i was invited by vienna based artist marek haiduk to participate in his experimental project. RVLVR is a project consisting of different artists using at least one of some given picture material to create new artwork.
sorry about the lack of posts its all been a bit manic about here latterly. my 'Le Dot' zine was featured on the amazing blog 'book by its cover', a great blog where not only can you see great books and zines but get sneak peeks of artist sketchbooks. thanks to julia for the post and everybody who bought my zine.
these are the 15 record sleeves i did for tublord's new single, they are releasing 500 of these sleeves, all unique with artwork by amazing artists such as sergei sviatchenko, gemma correll, kraffhics.... the list goes on so keep an eye out for them cause even if the music doesn't tickle your fancy the art work definitely will.